Known as arugula in the States, we Brits prefer the name rocket. It’s called rocket as it grows extremely fast (at rocket speed), and let’s face it, rockets are cool. The younger rocket leaves have a mild, sweetish taste, while older leaves have a peppery, slightly nutty flavour. They are perfect in salads or topped on pizza or pasta.
Rocket like other leafy green veg is a rich source of phytonutrients such as Vitamin C, flavonoids and glucosinolates.
Shopping Guide
Look out for rocket leaves that are a dark green colour and appear relatively firm.
When fresh, add to salads and sandwiches. If it starts to look sad, don’t waste it – add it to soups or stews or try our rocket pesto recipe here.
Rocket can be stored in the fridge for several days. If you have washed it, make sure to dry thoroughly and ideally wrap in kitchen roll before storing in a zip-lock bag or container.
Kids in the Kitchen
For a younger child, why not wash and dry some rocket? They could even drizzle over a little oil and squeeze some lemon juice, too, to make a little side salad perfect for pizza or pasta night!
For an older child, it could be a great opportunity to be in charge of a big part of a meal. Give them the challenge of making a rocket pesto – get together the prepped ingredients and let them wash, dry, weigh and blitz the ingredients together with your help, then show them how to stir the pesto into hot cooked pasta and serve it up with some grated cheese and black pepper. Make sure you let everyone eating it know that they made it!
Find more ideas for involving kids in the kitchen here.
Rocket is great to explore by touch and sight. Maybe compare a few different salad leaves including rocket (you could buy a bag of mixed leaves for this). How do they look similar? How do they look different? If you can, getting a couple of crunchy types such as iceberg lettuce vs softer kinds like rocket make for a great experience exploring through sound (crunch when you bite or snap the veg), too. If your child feels up to tasting it, try it with a few different kinds of lettuce and rank from “spiciest” or “pepperiest” to mildest.
Find more sensory ideas, tips and videos here.
If your child has helped you make a rocket pesto or salad, why not have them serve it up, too? Or suggest they come up with a funny name for the meal they can share with everyone when it’s served.
Find the best ways of involving your own child and their skills and interests on our Roles for Kids page.
Why not make an edible artistic scene on a paper plate using rocket and some other veg or fruit? Rocket makes excellent seaweed, palm tree leaves or tall grass… let your child use their imagination to come up with their own landscape!
Kids more into science? You can find at-home science fun with veg with our videos from Stefan Gates’ here.
Find more activities ideas on our arts & crafts and puzzles & games pages.
Find more activities ideas on our arts & crafts and puzzles & games pages.
Buying veg in season is not only great for the planet, it can be good for your wallet, too! Try buying rocket in the late spring and summer to get the leaves with the most flavour at the best price.
At Its Best:
April - October
Your Food
Rocket is slightly bitter and peppery, so will suit kids with those preferences! Make sure to try it both cooked and raw as it tastes completely different. Whether you are blitzing it for colour, serving raw (it’s especially great with pizza and pasta!), frying or steaming briefly with aromatics like garlic, ginger, lemon juice, soy sauce or others, or adding handfuls at the last minute to stews, sauces, soups or stir fries, there are loads of different ways to eat this veg. Find some inspiration below…
Recipe Inspiration
If You Like Rocket…Try
Does your child enjoy rocket? That’s great! Rocket it usually peppery and chewy but soft, so why not try a similar texture and/or taste…
The Wonderful World of Veg
Check out our vegepedia. When to buy in-season. How to store them to keep for longer. How to engage children with each veg, and simple ideas of how to prepare and cook them for maximum taste and minimum waste. Select a veg…