Prep time:
15 mins
Cook time:
25 mins
2-3 medium turnips, peeled and halved
1 small pumpkin, peeled, seeds removed and chopped into chunks
1 garlic clove, peeled
4 bay leaves
Zest and juice of one orange
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp olive oil
150g soft goat's cheese
Pinch of salt
Veg Portions / Serving:
Recipe donated by Aaron Craze from
1. Preheat oven to 180°C.
2. Cut the garlic clove in half, then rub the inside of an oven-proof dish with it.
3. Parboil the turnip and once softened slightly, drain and put to one side.
4. Mix together the orange juice, zest, honey and oil.
5. Put the turnip and pumpkin into the oven dish, and then pour the orange glaze over the top, mixing the vegetables until completely coated.
6. Add in the remaining garlic, scatter over the bay leaves and add a pinch of salt.
7. Put the dish into the oven for 25 minutes, or until the vegetables look roasted and ready. Remove from the oven, crumble the goat’s cheese over the top, then let it melt a little before serving.